Only Guardianship Nominee for the Boarding School Association Supporting International Boarders Award
It’s an honour to be selected as the 2022 Boarding school Association “Supporting International Boarders Ward”, and we are the only non-institution education organisation to be nominated. We hope to let more people know, how important it is for the role of guardian in the life of the International Students
Eve has over 20 years of UK education, admissions and guardianship experience and live in London. She has a wide school and networks and follows closely with the changes in UK education. In the last 2 years, under the pandemic, Guardians have been faced with uprising challenges, dealing with emergency health situations, and keeping up the latest information in order for the school and parents to be in close contact. This is not easy, but with the right experience and care, this gives students the best and safest UK boarding experience.
Results will be annouced on the 4th May, please go to the BSA website for further details
【📣好消息】唯一監護人獲提名「英國寄宿學校協會Supporting International Boarders Award」
「很榮幸入圍2022年英國寄宿學校協會 @boardingschoolsassociation ‘Supporting International Boarders Award’,而且是唯一非學校或教育機構獲得提名,希望藉此讓更多人知道,監護人角色對留學生在異地的生活及成長有很重要的幫助。」
Eve 擁有20年英國教育、招生及監護經驗,加上長居倫敦,在當地各區的學校網絡及人脈網絡廣闊,緊貼英國教育界動態。但是近兩年全球疫情影響下,監護人遇到前所未有的挑戰,在處理學生的緊急健康情況,保持資訊流通以確保學校及家長密切連繫,這些都需要經歷及責任心,才能為留學生帶來最合適、最安全的英國教育及生活體驗。
即睇資訊 👉🏻 升學界花姐教室:https://bit.ly/3qwJDhJ
WhatsApp 查詢:6810 8836