



我們在3月疫情爆發時, 盡了監護人責任,在一個非常短和緊逼的時間內安頓所有學生,接受前所未有的挑戰。在所有未知的情況下,大家都非常體諒。相對我在SARS 時期的經驗,這次嚴峻得多,英國也是自二次大戰以來第一次全國性停學。停學後,同時又迅速封城,而且在寫這封信之時,還沒有跡象緩和。所以,我們根據英國學校對下一個學期的處理,更改了我們監護範圍,方便家長和學生繼續上課。




  • 學校在3月學期結束前已經推行網上教育, 學生需要根據每家學校的時間表安排上課。上課模式從視頻到功課派發也有。所有可以一對一的課外活動,例如音樂或者英文補習都會繼續晚上進行,

學校提供學費減免和學費支援 ;

學校提供學費減免 學費支援

  • 大部分學校都將會更改學費金額,收取日校學費,也提供相對的折扣。家長需要留意學費費用,和避免多付沒有用到的課程或者雜費。如家長需要多一點時間處理學費,可以隨時和學校聯絡



  • 大部分學校估計下個學期很難復課,而如果復課 將會另外安排。



  1. 追查學生上課情況

由於我們3月時候學校已透過我們追查學生上課情況。 我們英國聯絡主任-盛老師(Wai Kin Shing)將會負責追查學生上網狀況。如學校需要我們追查學生狀況,他將會直接和學生及家長聯絡,之後報告學校。麻煩家長提供學生的手提電話和個人電郵,我們也會和學校更新學生聯絡資料。多間學校表示學生的網上出席率將會作為出席率,如有需要,提供給移民局。如果學生因為時差或者不方便上課,也可以直接和我們聯絡,我們將會代為聯絡學校請假或者和老師聯絡, 約另外一個適合的時間上課

  1. 網上視頻

我們將會利用網上視頻提供最新英國教育資料,和講解如何在停課期間,確保學生學業不會影響下一個學年進度。家長也可以直接聯絡我們,相約時間,Eve 將會提供一對一網上教育指導

  1. 拿回個人物品


  1. 監考服務


  1. Aegis 認證

我們已經在2月中通過第一階段認證。而Aegis 英國監護人協會在3月書面通知我們取得臨時AEGIS資格。我們將會在下個學期全力進行第二階段認證。其中需要家長和學生幫忙填寫問卷,到時候我們會聯絡大家,希望大家多多幫忙。另外也會根據AEGIS協會要求,在下個學期發出新的家長和學生手冊。


關於監護人費用方面,我們將會收取平時費用的80%作為這個學期費用。 我們明白疫情嚴峻,也希望和大家共度難關。大部分職員將會留任。另外,Michelle 將會4月離開公司。這個是我和Michelle 1年前在她希望離任時候決定的。Kiki 正在放產假 (已在3月中誕下可愛的女兒),所以香港和澳門部分將會由何小姐Candy 負責











Eve Leung

Director of Elite Anglo-Chinese Services / Anglo-Chinese Students Services



Dear Parents


We wish everyone safe and sound during the unusual epidemic.


We have worked around the clock to assist parents and students since the start of the pandemic, and it was a very challenging experience. I would like to thank you all for being so considerate during such uncertain times. Compare to my previous work during the SARS epidemic, this has been a lot worse, and it was the first time all UK schools are shut since the second world war. Shortly after the school closure was announced, UK also implemented a full lockdown. At the time of writing, there is no signs of the current situation will improved. Therefore, we have changed what we offer as guardian under the current circumstances, reflecting on the UK schools been trying to offer, to make sure parents and students will continue the academic progress.


To summarise UK schools’ arrangements for next term


Online learning

Majority of schools have conducted and trialed online learning before the end of term in March. Students need to make sure they follow their own schools’ guidelines, whether they need to follow the timetable or specific arrangements to attend their lessons. The mode of teaching has changed to either teaching using conferencing software or tasks setting. Many outside classroom activities, such as music or EAL lessons will continue.


Fees reduction and support

Majority of schools have changed how much they will charge for school fees, and many are offering to take only day-fees with discount. Please ensure you check your school bill with no extras been added. Please contact the school if you require more time to work on the billing or invoice.


Resuming normal lessons

Majority of schools have concluded that the current situation will continue for the remainder of term. The school will notify parents separately should there be are any changes.


Please note, due to the above we have altered our services and will offer:


  1. Tracking of students learning

We are working with schools to monitor students who did not attend their online lessons. Our UK consultant, Mr. Wai Kin Shing will be responsible for tracking students’ online status. If a school have asked for our assistance, he will contact the student and parents directly, and update the school accordingly. We therefore ask if you can please provide the most updated students’ mobile and personal email. Many schools have indicated that the online attendance will be recorded, and if needed, to pass the information to UKVI. Hence, please contact us if the student will be absent or not available for the scheduled online lesson, and we will contact the school or the teacher to file for absence or reschedule the class.


  1. Online broadcasting

We will provide live videos on the latest UK Education information and explain how to handle students’ academic progress during school closures. Parents are welcome to contact us and make appointments, of which Eve will provide one to one consultancy over academic plan.


  1. Personal belongings

If students need to return to school to collect their personal items, we can assist by contacting the school and arrange to post the belongings back to Hong Kong or the new university. This service is available for those who will be changing school or moving to a new university.


  1. Invigilation service

We have contacted all schools offering them a free local invigilation service. If school requires our help to invigilate students in Hong Kong or Macau, we will arrange this accordingly and this service is free of charge. Many schools have responded and welcomed this useful suggestion, therefore should a school require internal examinations or assessments under exam circumstances, we will be able to assist.


  1. AEGIS Accreditation

We have passed our first stage accreditation in mid-February with written confirmation by AEGIS stating we are now Preliminary Accredited. We shall focus our work on passing Stage 2, and this requires your help to complete the questionnaire sent out by AEGIS. We would therefore appreciate your good feedback to our service offerings. According to AEGIS guidelines, we shall be distributing new students and parents handbook during next term.


Please note we will be asking 80% of the normal guardianship fee for this term. We understand the challenges presented at such difficult times and wish to work with all of you. Majority of our staff will remain however Michelle will be leaving us in April (unrelated to the epidemic). This has been in discussion exactly a year ago as she wants to seek new adventures. Kiki is currently on maternity leave (she gave birth to a healthy little girl in March). Ms. Candy Ho will be the Hong Kong and Macau coordinator for the upcoming term.


If any parents have paid for the Easter accommodation fee or upcoming term’s accommodation, these will be recorded and credited towards next term and the next academic year. If students will graduate from our service, we will also credit the deposit and deduct against next term’s guardianship fee. If there is a need for additional payments, we will provide an invoice for payment. Any extra money collected will be refunded and we will individually contact parents.


Please note, we will not take any payment for next term’s accommodation and will automatically cancel all accommodation requests.


Please check your email as invoices for next term will be issued from 20th April.


Thank you for your kind attention.



Eve Leung

Director of Elite Anglo-Chinese Services / Anglo-Chinese Students Services