成立於2012 年,Elite Anglo-Chinese Services 由梁曉芙在英國倫敦創辦,提供一條龍的英國升學及成長顧問服務,無縫連繫學校、學生、家長及寄宿家庭。Elite ACS 在倫敦及香港兩地均設有辦事處,務求提供最貼心的在地支援。除了專業的教育諮詢服務外,其口碑載道的在英監護人服務,更獲得英國寄宿學校協會 (BSA) 及英國監護⼈協會 (AEGIS) 雙重認證。
Elite Anglo Chinese Services are very proud to offer one of the best Guardian Agency Services in the UK. In the UK it is a School admission requirement for overseas students to have a Guardian who is based in the UK. They will offer 24 hours, seven days a week emergency support if it is required. To invest in your son’s or daughter’s education is one of the biggest decisions you can make in order for your child to reach their full potential. Also for most parents it is a huge financial commitment and it is therefore paramount that this process is run as smoothly as possible.
At school, the House Parents will take responsibility for your child’s academic progress and welfare. Sometimes it will be necessary to hand over these responsibilities to the appointed Guardian. These circumstances, such as illness or injuries which require a hospital visit or Host Family stay, closure of airports and cancellation of flights, all these emergencies require instant assistance. Also disciplinary incidents will have consequences for a student who is then unable to stay at school for a short period of time.


What we offer
- 24 hour telephone contact in case of emergency
- Liaison with the School, Parents Student and Host Family as required
- Support in Hong Kong and UK and advice during office hour
- We can provide assistance to your child on school premises during the academic year
- Help with the selection of your School
- Advice and assistance with your school application
- Help and assistance with Parents’ visits to the UK
- Arrange and assist the transport and transfer arrangement for each Student and Parent
- Paperwork to provide proof of child’s guardianship to show at Immigration UK arrivals
- Help when purchasing an UK phone sim card
- Supervision and advice on academic progress
- Induction to all Students and Parents
- Attend school meetings on Parents behalf, on child’s progress and report back to Parents
- Arrange all transport to and from Airports, School and Host Family